We had an exciting Community Meeting 1 held a the International District Library on August 8th, Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Approximately 45 participants attended including residents from the neighborhood, residents from teh target public housing sites as well as the Choice planning team with members from the Albuquerque Housing Authority and the City of Albuquerque. We were also joined by Councilor Nichole Rogers and her team!
Thank you to the staff from the the International District Library for all their support to host this meeting!
The meeting format included open engagement activities through stations displaying materials and prompts for resident input; it also included breakouts for small group conversations and collaborative activity guided by a worksheet.
The goals of this meeting focused on:
Sharing about the Choice Neighborhoods planning process and showcasing the engagement activities that will be designed throughout this process for input and feedback.
Identifying community assets, challenges, and opportunities through diverse interactive activities and group discussions.
Launching the Resident Needs Assessment Survey and increasing awareness for resident participation.
Share information about existing plans and initiatives in the International District.
The meeting engagement strategies included the following:
Voting: Residents were asked to prioritize the top three (3) assets, challenges, and opportunities in their community.
Resident survey: AHA residents had the opportunity to complete a digital or printed Needs Assessment Survey.
Interactive Map: Residents were asked to provide their input through notecards related to community assets, challenges, and opportunities.
Breakout Groups: Residents discussed, documented, and reported back about their selected top three assets, challenges, and opportunities.

What We've Learned
Below are the top three topics voted for at the meeting of each category:
Grocery Store
Community Organizations
Affordable Housing
Trash, Rats, and Pests
Difficult Access to Food
Open Spaces

Key Findings
Residents highlighted several priority items across key categories, emphasizing the importance of community assets, such as the International District Library, the parks, and the strong cultural diversity that distinguishes the International District. However, they also identified significant challenges, including the lack of frequent public transit, limited access to fresh food due to grocery store closures, and insufficient public spaces for gathering. The community sees opportunities in creating safe and accessible third places for socializing, improving security through proactive policing and better street lighting, and increasing access to high-wage jobs for individuals with criminal histories. These insights reflect a community deeply invested in enhancing its infrastructure while preserving its cultural richness and inclusivity.
Additional insights from breakout discussions are highlighted below:
The International District Library
Libraries and parks are important to the community
A strong sense of pride in the community
Diversity and acceptance/tolerance of food and culture
Access to affordable and accessible public transit
Stable and affordable housing
Homelessness and open drug use
Traffic and difficult access throughout the neighborhood
The neighborhood is lacking in quality infrastructure and third places (public spaces for gathering)
Transit frequency is insufficient
Few public spaces to gather (community lacks public places to sit)
Difficult access to fresh food due to grocery store closures in the community
Improvements to existing parks or building additional parks
Utilizing vacant or underdeveloped properties for communal purposes
New grocery stores and retail in the neighborhood
More cultural celebrations
Housing and services for unsheltered people in the community
Creating safe and abundant free third places for socializing and community gathering
Enhancing security through proactive policing and improved street lighting infrastructure
Increasing access to high-wage jobs for community members with a criminal history