In November and December we hosted the first two sets of working group meetings. The meetings were hosted virtually including presentations and interactive discussion focused on the three core elements of the plan: People, Housing, and Neighborhood. The role of working groups is to review and build on the input, insights and feedback that residents have shared during community meetings and surveys, and to develop strategies, projects and programs. Meeting participants includes local stakeholders, community organization leaders, public housing residents and members of the Steering Committee.

This first round of meetings focused on discussions regarding current strengths and challenges, as well as desired outcomes. The second round emphasized key strategies and precedents that can help achieve the desired outcomes. Key themes discussed for the People element included education, health and wellness, safety, income, and employment; for the Housing element included housing types, affordability and quality; and for the Neighborhood element included transportation, mobility, open spaces, culture and sense of belonging. Upon the conclusion of each breakout session, all participants reconvened to collectively share and review the key takeaways.
Reflections from the discussions on the People element highlighted safety concerns, particularly on the streets, and a strong desire to address homelessness and provide increased attention and resources for the unhoused population. Residents discussed accessibility to health, educational, and financial resources, as well as safety when using local amenities. Participants expressed the importance of preventative mental health care through physical activity, as well as offering multilingual services and programs for all ages. Key feedback discussed included community education on financial literacy and awareness of available job training resources that could help release some current barriers to employment. Additional suggestions included neighborhood collaborations with local organizations to promote a safer community.
Conversations regarding the Neighborhood element emphasized assets currently enjoyed by residents such as Bullhead Park, Wilson Park, and Cesar Chavez Community Center. Residents pointed to these open spaces as crucial for maintaining connections between adults and children through recreational and accessible group activities. Participants highlighted the desire for community support, involvement, and better communication, in addition to accessibility to transportation and better maintenance of existing facilities. A recurring theme was the concern for safety in the area, leading to suggestions for public realm improvements, such as revitalizing alleyways and repurposing vacant lots.
Discussion points about the Housing element included safety, accessibility, recreation, and homeownership. Residents envision the future of the International District as an engaged community that lives in an enjoyable environment. An important desired outcome is having safe and accessible places to live where universal design is prioritized. Participants suggested activating housing sites for family-oriented activities, such as barbecue areas and recreational equipment for all ages. They also identified community programming as an important strategy to strengthen community connections. Brainstorming focused on desired infrastructure interventions and interest in expanding homeownership programs.
The working groups meetings were productive sessions that contributed to advance key strategies and emphasized assets that currently exist such as community organizations, programs and other initiatives. Next steps include holding the next community meeting in January focusing on advancing the vision for the target housing sites through a design workshop, and continue the development of strategies.

Presentation slides are available in this link.
Recordings of these meetings can be accessed in the following links:
Working Group Meetings 1: Desired Outcomes
Thursday, November 21, 2024, 2:00-3:30 pm
Friday, November 22, 2024, 10:00-11:30 pm
Friday, November 22, 2024, 2:00-3:30 pm
Working Groups Meetings 2: Key Strategies
Thursday, December 12, 2024, 10:00-11:30 pm
Thursday, December 12, 2024, 2:00-3:30 pm
Friday, December 13, 2024, 10:00-11:30 am